How to Tell if Someone Is Lying to You

When someone is not being honest with you, there are often clues that they are lying. If you become adept at spotting these subtle changes in body language and tone, you will be able to develop your own lie detector and know when something is trying to keep you in the dark about something.

Here are some red flags that might indicate someone is lying:

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Oh Yeah? How to Come Up With Snappy Comebacks

Have you ever been in a situation where someone makes a rude comment at your expense, making you look foolish and causing everyone in the vicinity to laugh at you?

In those situations, are you able to fling a comeback in their direction to defend your dignity or are you left awkwardly speechless?

Coming up with quick-witted comebacks is not as easy as some people make it look, so here are some tips to help you be better armed in your next battle of wits:

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How to Look Great in Every Photo

Have you ever excitedly clicked on the Facebook folder of photos from last weekend’s party, only to cringe with how awkward and unflattering each snap of you is?

You think you are reasonably good looking, but why do you look so unattractive in photographs?

Even if they are confident and attractive in real life, many people hate the way that they photograph.

However, before you decide that you are hopelessly unphotogenic and give up, there are a few things that you can do to make yourself look better in photographs.

Here are a few tips to remember next time someone points a camera at you:

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How to Make Friends When You Move Somewhere New

When you first move to a new town or a new country, it can be quite lonely.

Whether you are moving for adventure, a job, or other reasons, it’s hard to leave your social network behind and start again.

Developing friendships takes time and it will be several months before you feel fully connected with your new community.

However, there are some things that you can do to make forming friendships in your new home easier.

Here are a few important tips to remember about making friends when you move:

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School’s Out for Summer: How to Encourage Your Kids to Learn Over the Holidays

Summer vacation is finally here and your kids have permanently implanted themselves in the couch, eyes glued to the television, with no sign of moving for the next three months.

When kids do absolutely nothing over the holidays, they not only forget what they have learned in school but they get out of the habit of learning and find it difficult to start their schoolwork again in the fall.

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How to Not Become a Slave to Notifications

Sometimes with all of the buzzing, dinging, ringing, and beeping of all the separate devices in your life you can feel like you are living within a video arcade with hundreds of overactive pinball machines.

Your phone jingles whenever you get a text message, your laptop dings when a new email arrives, and your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media websites also join in the buzzing chaos.

We have gotten in the habit of checking these notifications every few minutes, no matter if they are important or not.

It can be incredibly difficult to focus when you are constantly being distracted by a host of jangling devices, so how can you manage your notifications so that they don’t interrupt your work flow?

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Doh! The Biggest Job Interview Mistakes

The job interview is one of the most important parts of applying for a job and the first impression that you make in this interaction is mostly what the employer will be basing their decision on.

That is why it is very important that you present yourself professionally in your job interview so that you can really impress the employer.

However, there are a few major mistakes that many people make in job interviews that can really damage their chances of getting hired.

If you have ever not been called back after a job interview you might want to ask yourself if you have committed any of these blunders and how you can avoid them in the future:

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Looking Good? How to Find Your Personal Style

Have you ever felt like some people just look stylish and put together all of the time, whereas you never quite know what to wear to look good?

How do chic and fashionable people make themselves look so good every day when you feel so frumpy and awkward?

Whether you are male or female, if you are slightly fashion clueless don’t despair!

Style doesn’t come naturally to everyone but it is still possible to learn how to put outfits together so that you look on trend and polished.

Stylish people don’t wake up looking that good; they have put time and effort into thinking about their personal look and creating a certain effect.

The trick is to find your personal style and identify which colors, patterns and cuts look the best on your particular body.

When you know what these things are you can mix them up to create stylish outfits that are guaranteed to look good!

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How to Never Lose Your Car Keys…Or Anything Else Again!

Scientists have reported that Americans spend approximately 16 minutes on average per day searching for lost items, which adds up to a full year of our lives.

That means that over the course of your lifetime you will spend one full year in frustration, searching desperately around your house for your car keys, remote control, cell phone, or other important belonging.

Is there any way that you can reduce the amount of time that you spend looking around for your stuff?

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It’s Time for Spring Cleaning!

The snow is starting to melt, the sun is starting to come out of hiding and the birds are starting to sing in the trees.

Soon the flower buds will begin to open and the grass will transform into a lush carpet of green.

Spring is on the way and this time of rebirth and renewal is a great time to give a “spring cleaning” to all aspects of your life. You might do a spring cleaning on your home every year, getting rid of clutter and brushing away the cobwebs.

However, have you ever thought about giving a metaphorical spring clean to your lifestyle?

Taking some time to spring clean your life can help you eliminate old stresses, set new goals and approach the summer feeling fresh and energized.

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