Should You Consider Purchasing A Newly Built Home?

If you have been in the process of looking for a home for a long time, you understand just how difficult it has been. You may have considered building your own house, but after seeing the bidding wars for land before you even start building, you may have crossed newly built homes off your list.…

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Escrow And Your Mortgage: The Most Important Points To Know

There are a lot of complicated terms thrown around regarding your mortgage, and one of them is an escrow account. You will probably hear that your lender will collect some additional money every month for escrow payments. If you take a look at your mortgage statement, you will see your interest, your principal, and your escrow. What does this mean, and why do you have to pay additional money that isn’t going toward the balance of your loan?

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The Right (And Wrong) Reasons To Buy A House

There are many people who dream of owning a home, but you need to purchase your home for the right reasons. Simply purchasing a house because other people are doing so is not a strong reason to make such an expensive purchase. What are some of the reasons why you should purchase a house? What are some examples of bad reasons to buy a home?

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Using Your Equity To Buy Another House: What To Consider

Buying a home is a dream that many people want to make come true. At the same time, many people dream of buying a second home. Perhaps you are looking for a rental property. Maybe you are looking for a vacation home. Regardless, you might be wondering how you can come up with the necessary cash to finance this dream. You might even be thinking about tapping into the equity in your current home to make that happen. It could be your down payment for your second house, but what do you need to know?

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The Different Foundation Options For Your House

Are you thinking about purchasing a home in the near future? Or, are you thinking about building one? If so, you must think carefully about the foundation of the home. It is responsible for supporting the rest of the structure, so you need to find the right foundation to meet your needs. What are a few of the top options available?

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The Type of Home You Want to Buy Determines Your Closing Cost and Here’s Why

Savvy home buyers who are preparing to make a real estate purchase should do their research and understand that they need to save money for not only the down payment but the closing costs as well. The closing costs can account for as much as three to five percent of the sales price in some cases, so this can be a rather sizable amount of money. Some home buyers however, may not realize that the amount of closing costs can vary considerably based on the home that is purchased. With a closer look at why this is, home buyers can make a more educated decision when selecting a home to purchase.

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