The Top Smart Home Products You Should Know About

Technology has come a long way, and you might be thinking about turning your house into a smart home. Now, there are a lot of smart home products available, and you may have a difficult time keeping track of which ones are best for you. What are some of the top smart home products you need to know about?

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Staying Social While Distancing

For many months, the COVID-19 (Corona-virus) pandemic appeared to be a problem that only existed in foreign lands. Now, this virus has arrived on the shores of the United States and has disrupted jobs, hospitals, and lives. People are being asked to practice social distancing measures to curtail the spread of the virus while some parts of the country are being asked to stay home entirely. The good news is that there are still ways for people to remain social while being safe.

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Disruptive Technology And The Real Estate Market

Recent advancements in technology continue to disrupt the real estate market. This includes the use of “Big Data” for data mining, artificial intelligence combined with machine learning, augmented and virtual reality, use of drones, blockchain technology, and the ongoing deployment of 5G.

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How Tech Can Change the Real Estate Process

Virtual reality, artificial intelligence and drone video are just a few of the ways that technology is changing the real estate industry. If you are in the market for a property, understanding these new processes can help you in many ways.

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Tips For Home Buying In The Digital Age

The digital age has changed the way buyers browse for and purchase goods and services, including real estate. While home buyers still can check out property listings via a print newspaper or by driving through desired neighborhoods in hopes of finding a “for sale” sign, digital sources offer more options and can make the home buying process easier.

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How to Not Become a Slave to Notifications

Sometimes with all of the buzzing, dinging, ringing, and beeping of all the separate devices in your life you can feel like you are living within a video arcade with hundreds of overactive pinball machines.

Your phone jingles whenever you get a text message, your laptop dings when a new email arrives, and your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media websites also join in the buzzing chaos.

We have gotten in the habit of checking these notifications every few minutes, no matter if they are important or not.

It can be incredibly difficult to focus when you are constantly being distracted by a host of jangling devices, so how can you manage your notifications so that they don’t interrupt your work flow?

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